Earlier this week I had an experience which may sound familiar – payment for my car rego was due! Notification about this, and the CTP (Compulsory Third Party) Green slip, had been sent more than a month before, but what with Christmas and everything, they got put aside for the new year and suddenly it had to be done NOW.
In NSW, cars that are 5 years and over have to be inspected, and I hadn’t organised that either.
So a quick call to my local garage begging them to inspect my car that afternoon.
Fortunately they were able to oblige and within a short time, all was done.
My local garage uses The Leading Hand. Now, it must be said, not even this great workshop program can save mechanics from disorganised car owners, but it did help with managing the job itself.
They were able to easily add me to the Booking list, so when they looked at the Day’s activities, my car was there.
To make the Invoice, with a few clicks they could bring up my car and add the Rego Inspection Template they had set up in their Leading Hand.
When Finalising the Invoice they could update when the Rego was Next Due.
And because they have the Cashbook interface, when invoicing and receipting the financial information transferred seamlessly into Reckon Accounts.
So inspection and paperwork done in 30 minutes. Thanks to the Leading Hand.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, my local mechanic did use The Leading Hand SMS feature to advise me my car was due for a rego check in the next 30 days – I just put that off till after Christmas too!
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